Why is Python so popular?

Python is becoming popular every day. From school children to IT professionals, everyone is learning Python and doing projects to showcase their IT skills. We will analyze what are the possible reasons behind it and how much time you need to get a good grasp of it.

How did it start?

The journey started in 1992 when  Guido van Rossum was planning to start a project on making coding easier. He was developing a C program for his work assignment and often he felt it was time-consuming. Suddenly, he started his hobby project called ‘Python’ and took this name from his favorite British comedianMonty Python.

The rapid growth started after 2011 when developers contributed by providing new libraries and enhanced functionalities to Python. Since the beginning, Google supported Python a lot and can be termed as one of the main contributors to its huge popularity.

Then Python started integrating tools for Data Analysis, Scientific computing, Machine learning, and Big Data. So many features got added that it became one of the most popular languages by 2020. 

In 2023,  Python is being used by all major tech companies at various scales.

How much time do I need?

Of course, depends on you and your objective. Considering at least 8 hours a Week commitment, we can have below possibilities:

Objective: Get basic hands-on

It will take around 2 - 4 weeks to get a good grasp of this language provided a structured study plan is being followed. It would allow you to write simple Python scripts and understand the coding syntax in general.

Objective: Learn to perform Data Analysis

It will require you to understand the basics of a few more Python libraries (ex- pandas, matplotlib, etc.) or frameworks, so you can add another 2 weeks on top of that. That means you can be able to understand data and build insights in a span of 4 - 6 weeks.

Objective: Become a Data Analyst

The title Data Analyst varies a lot and is applied to various fields and businesses. Depending on your background and previous work experience, the time will vary. 

If you have some background in statistics or mathematics and know the business, you can be ready in 8 weeks

However,  if you do not have any background, it can take up to 12 weeks.

Having said that, most of our former students have learned the skills with focused and structured guidance. That helped them accelerate in a short span of time and apply the skills in their jobs and projects.